Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Unicorns and Television : A dichotomy of personalities.

I will describe here two types of people. I will do it with two examples.
( My prose is influenced by Patrick's Rothfuss books which I have been reading lately.)

Example 1 :

Consider that one is asked whether he believes that electromagnetism exists, the theory that explains , among others , how electricity works.

Type A would say that , of course , electromagnetism is correct :
"Every day, I watch television, and television needs electricity to work.
If we didn't know how electricity worked, we wouldn't be able to have a functioning television.

Type B would say that I will have to think about it.
He would read the theory and will try to verify that the theory is self-consistent. Then he would check whether there were experimental data that are consistent with the theory, then after a week he would say :
"Under similar conditions to those that it was experimentally tested , the theory is predictive."

Of course, type B is infuriating , he avoided saying the decent thing, that the theory is true. Not only that, type B lost a month studying for something that was obvious. And that is only one theory. Society is build on hundreds of thousands of theories. Imagine wanting to heat your food in the microwave, but you do not do it because you do not know how it works .

Example 2:

Consider that one is told that unicorns exist and fairies use them to travel long distances, especially when dragons are nearby, because dragons are afraid of their magical horn. Then he is given a twelve book  treatise full of mathematics and experimental data.

Type A would immediately start laughing, being amazed at the level of naivete that the questioner is exhibiting.
"Noone has seen a unicorn, everybody knows that they do not exist."

Type B would say that he is not sure this is true. He would get the twelve books and start reading them. As before, first there would be a logical analysis, then a review of the experimental data, the dissections of dead fairies that where found on the Amazon forest and the bones of Dragons that were found in the Alps.
Type B would then say what he said in the previous example,
"According to the data, you are right, unicorns do exist."

Type A is infuriating, he is arrogant as hell. Because it is common knowledge that they do not exist, any other theory is plainly stupid.
The interesting thing with example 2 is that the next week, a dragon came near their village and ate type A. Type B had learned the calling sound for unicorns and managed to find one that helped him escape.

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