Saturday, January 11, 2020

Ryaki network : Workers in favor of technological progress.

  In a previous blog post of mine, I had proposed a new rule that would give the right to those that consume an X amount of money, to work to regain the same amount of money. This , I proposed, would change the behavior of agents to consume as much as the infrastructure allows. We would have full utilization of infrastructure and thus a tremendous reduction in production costs and thus reduction of the cost of living. You can read about it here  , though the algorithm is a bit outdated.

  In this article, I want to point out that we will also have a secondary effect. Workers will stop having an aversion toward technological progress that endangers their jobs and their income. This is very important, because we want to avoid the need to create a structure / organization that forces technological progress in the production process . Instead workers / consumers will autonomously welcome progress.

I think that it is important to see how things work in Capitalism. In capitalism, workers or worker power is a commodity. Companies simply want to buy as few of it as they can, and for this reason, they adopt productivity increasing technologies. On the other hand, workers do not want to lose their jobs since they do not have the right to work, other than the one given by their employer.
It is for this reason that a secondary group in the company should take these decisions, whose interest aligns with the company itself. I think this is called the management team.

For worker cooperatives, member workers have the full benefits of capital investment. But if a non-member worker wanted to join the cooperative, those benefits would have to be split with him too. In other words, technological progress is welcomed by member workers but other workers are not.

Now, let me point to you what happens with the proposed ryaki network:
There are two rules that need to be taken into account :

A. You have the right to work the same amount that you consume. Thus you get priority with regards to others that haven't consumed as much on positions that you both qualify.

B. Each production unit has specific positions that need to be filled, but those positions do not belong to a single person. They belong to multiple people that take turns to work there. Workers are eligible to work in multiple posts.

Because workers can work in multiple positions and they have the right to work in any of those positions, their income remains stable when an organization adopts a new structure that reduces their hours of work , or makes their position obsolete.